Saturday, October 8, 2011

08. Grandma, What A Big Wardrobe You Have!

I know I haven't posted here for quite some time, so apologies. Originally I was going to relocate to Dreamwidth, however, there wasn't many blogs for me to follow and such so I've decided to stay here. Recently my family & I visited my grandparents. Not only does my grandmother love thrifting (although, usually for antique related things), but she's a massive hoarder. Her husband has been slowly going through many of the things stashed away in their basement to give away so she got out some of her old jewellery boxes and that and told us we could have what we wanted from them because the rest was going to be donated. I'm going to have to ask you to ignore the dopey faces I'm pulling since it was hard to make sure I was actually photographing the jewellery without it moving, haha. The header picture is one of my favourite thrift finds (although, really, all my thrift finds are my favourite finds), it was only $2 or something but I adored the nautical symbols + the navy stripes that you can't see. Plus, it's oversized so I love it even more. Anyway, my finds were as follows:

Really long string of amber-like beads.

Two chains (only one pictured). Both were a bronzey / copper colour which didn't come out in my webcam so I gave up (plus they kept swinging and coming out blurred, haha).

This necklace is broken, however, had really nice clasp like things so that it could be five-stringed. I intend to cut all the beads off and restring them so it's got the original five strings again.
I thought the clasp was really nifty on this. I think it's suppose to be a choker, which isn't really my style, however, it was way too nifty to pass up.

The necklace is broken (no clasp, missing a few beads), however, I really liked the centre piece of it so decided to keep it so I can restring it in the future. The dark thing in the second picture is a goldy brooch of some flowers. I don't really wear brooches, however, I think it would look nice with my navy blazer.

Last but not least I ended up with two rings - one is a large man's ring which I could wear on my thumb or put on a necklace, it's just a plain silver band while the other is much smaller and has a small pattern on it that I find quite cute.

Non-jewellery related I ended up with these two gold coin purses. I absolutely adore the opener thing at the top. Sadly parts of them are coming unconnected from the actual purse part so I'll have to see if my father can help me reconnect them. I'm not sure how much actual use they'd get, but I thought they were pretty! I also ended up with this:
My grandmother's evening purse. It has a matching handle and inside is a lovely yellow colour with a pocket. I have no idea what I'm going to use it with since it's a bit flash for my usual outings, however, I thought it was way too nice to get rid of.

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